What is the Foundations of the Massachusetts IEP Process – IEP Training Course?

Foundations of the Massachusetts IEP Process – IEP Training Course

SCTS Training recognizes the importance of specialized IEP training and offers five courses designed to meet the needs of different stakeholders in the IEP process. Each course is tailored to the unique responsibilities and challenges faced by its target audience, ensuring that participants receive the most relevant and effective training possible – click here for more information on all 5 courses.

Foundations of the Massachusetts IEP Process

    • Target Audience: Educators who have not had previous IEP experience.
    • Course Overview: Designed for educators who are new to the IEP process, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the new Massachusetts IEP requirements. Participants will learn the fundamentals of developing and implementing IEPs, from understanding legal requirements to writing effective goals and objectives. The course also covers best practices for collaborating with other members of the IEP team and engaging with parents.
    • Importance: For new educators, understanding the IEP process from the ground up is critical. This course ensures that new educators start their careers with a strong foundation in IEP development and implementation, enabling them to provide the best possible support to students with disabilities from the very beginning.

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